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Purpose of Baptism
God brought us together to begin the baptism of repentance. Once you receive a baptism of repentance, it is the beginning of a journey...
Supporting Those Under Correction
Jesus sent a word, not just a casual teaching, an actual, “Thus sayeth the Lord,” on April 22, 2024. It announced the season we are in...
Baptism of Repentance for Leaders
Should Leaders Receive a Baptism of Repentance? Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses....
What is a Baptism of Repentance
Baptism of Repentance It was a custom in Israel to be baptized by being fully submerged under the water, as a sign of repentance: It was...
How and When to Observe the Sabbath
To understand how and when Christians should honor the Sabbath, we need to look at how it all began. And on the seventh day God ended his...
Jesus and Passover
What is Passover? Every year, Israel has a week-long celebration called Pesach or as most of us know it: Passover. Israel is commanded to...
Christianity and Easter
Who celebrates the Easter holiday? Many non-Christians celebrate Easter with candy and eggs, but few know anything about the holiday....
Cults & Churches: Knowing the Difference
The internet poses many: you or your family may be asking, "Is this a church or a cult?" Let's look at five key features of both...
Strongholds and Soul Wounds
If we go back to the Book of Genesis, we can see God’s original intention and plan for mankind through, Adam and Eve. Then God said,...
Receiving Relief from Attacks
To remove attacks upon our health, mind, and finances, we must first know why attacks can come upon us. Not all health and financial...
Spiritual Influences
Solomon was granted unlimited wisdom. Most scholars point to him as the author of proverbs. My son, be attentive to my words; incline...
Bad Ties
Soul ties are bridges in the spirit realm that connect to our mind, will, and emotions. Extreme emotions are a key point of contact:...
Good Ties
One of the ways the enemy can attack us is through a bridge between us, other people, or even places in the spirit realm. These bridges...
Curse of Illegitimacy
If you are unaware of how curses can affect Christians, please read the first book in this series which will help you understand curses...
Hidden Demons
Through thousands of prayer sessions with hundreds of people, a pattern has emerged: Often people find relief from attacks and many...
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