Colors can play a crucial role in any dream. The total absence of color may indicate it is an enemy dream which can be identified due to the lack of color, and will normally be very memorable. If you don’t remember anything about color that is a different matter; it just means colors are not needed for the interpretation.
The quality of the color, whether it is bright or dingy, tarnished or shiny, will help determine if the meaning is positive or negative. Also, the proportion and usefulness of the item will speak to which definition to use. If the item is out of proportion and hindered in its usefulness, then the meaning may be negative.
Like most dream items, colors have a positive and a negative meaning. These meanings apply to people as well. God created humanity with a beautiful variety of colors. Man used this diversity to cause division and strife instead of embracing the beauty of each unique race.
I have heard a story of angels appearing in different countries who look like the people of that land; African, Asian, Indian, and so on. The way God created each race is intentional and beautiful and something we should celebrate. For this reason, I will place the different races that are most commonly associated next to the colors as well.
Positive – revelation, communion
Negative – emotional lows: depression, sorrow, anxiety
Positive – growth, prosperity, consciousness, healing
Negative – envy, jealousy, pride
Positive – compassion, humility, pastoral nurturing
Negative – compromise, humanism
Positive – glory, holiness, hallowed
Negative – greed, idolatry, defilement, licentiousness
Positive – authority, royalty
Negative – false authority, ungodly authority
Positive – persistence, perseverance
Negative – stubbornness
Positive – redemption, grace
Negative – legalism
Positive – hope, mind
Negative – fear, lack of courage, cowards, intellectual pride
Positive – childlike, love of God. Also a mixture of red & white: anointing from righteousness
Negative – childishness
Positive – maturity, honor, wisdom
Negative – sadness, weakness, impending death
Positive – righteousness, holiness
Negative – religious spirit
Positive – mysteries of God, the unknown
Negative – sin, darkness, spiritual darkness, famine, evil