This ministry began as a Facebook group called the “Courts of Heaven – Worldwide.” At that time, you might have seen and even signed the “Class Action Lawsuit” against the Kingdom of Darkness for financial restitution in our “files” section. I began preparing this for filing in the Courts of Heaven by reviewing the document in the “Agape Tea and Coffee” meeting. When I asked those present to pull up the document in our Facebook group to read along with me, I was shocked to find out that the document was missing!
“The enemy must be in our midst: It seems we are under attack!” I declared. The Holy Spirit stopped me by bringing my thoughts to a skidding halt with a big “check” in my spirit. I quickly amended my statement, “I’ve had the Holy Spirit send me interesting messages and confirmation on my computer before I amended my declaration.” “We need to pray for wisdom and determine who is behind this.” The group prayed in agreement for God to give wisdom concerning this matter.
I sent a quick internal prayer to my Counselor, “If this is you, Holy Spirit, then the person who deleted this file should step forward when I post about it being missing.” I knew that if this was a malicious attack, the person would hide. God works in the open, so if this was Him, there would be truth and honesty.
On the drive home from the meeting, I felt an uneasiness in my spirit. It was like the presence of the Holy Spirit was agitated. This was a new sensation, and I was unsure of what it meant. Was the lawsuit upsetting Him or was there an enemy in the group and He was giving us a warning? Satan works in darkness; I reiterate my request for the Holy Spirit to reveal who had deleted the lawsuit and if it was done through Him. By the time I got home, there was a message for me on Facebook: someone apologized for accidentally deleting the LAWSUIT file.
If you’ve read the free book, Why Doesn’t God Speak to Me? you know that it is dangerous to follow signs blindly. The next morning when the Holy Spirit woke me up at 5:30 AM: I was thrilled. Before the household was awake and moving, I would be able to spend time praying and talking to Him. It didn’t take long to receive an answer. After praising and worshiping for a while, I broached the topic of the proposed lawsuit in order to sue the enemy for what is owed to us. Immediately two Bible verses came to mind:
Therefore do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:31-33 NKJV)
Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them... the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? (Luke 12:24-28 NKJV)
Jesus urges us to trust and have faith in God to take care of earthly concerns. We must be fully aware of who God is, to rest in the surety that He will provide. The Bible states time and time again that “God is just.”
Jesus is contending for you in the CoH. When we remove sin and confess for our ancestors, He will remove any generational curses or charges hindering us. We must trust:
Jesus will ask for “justice to be done” with cases against us
God, the Just Judge, knows what is due to us
A “LAWSUIT” against the Adversary or trying to “sue” someone in the CoH is man taking matters into his own hands as if our Father doesn’t know what is necessary. That is an act of pride and very presumptuous. His justice will be sufficient.
Often the reason we seek the Courts is because our finances are hindered. There are some common factors that may be the issue. Taking care of a few items may bring the breakthrough you are looking for. Please see the Removing Attacks course and the Financial Attacks classes.
There are many types of “lawsuits” that some people have proposed in the Courts of Heaven (CoH):
Class Action Lawsuits
Suing for Damages
Restraining Orders
All three actions are referred to as “lawsuits.” If there are scriptures that you have for these actions, please fill out the form below, come to Tea and Coffee to ask about them, or schedule a tutoring session for this class.